Become a Member
Pheasants Forever Canada is a chapter-based grass-roots conservation organization. Your membership may be purchased from one of our chapters. Membership purchased through Pheasants Forever Calgary, Canada’s premier Pheasants Forever chapter, includes the following:
- E-news from Pheasants Forever Calgary, Canada’s premier Pheasants Forever chapter.
- Membership emails from Pheasants Forever Inc. in the U.S. including links to podcasts, events and exclusive merchandise.
- Annual subscription (5 issues) to Pheasants Forever Journal of Upland Conservation. (produced and shipped by Pheasants Forever Inc.)
- Window decal featuring the Pheasants Forever logo. (Pheasants Forever Inc.)
- Membership card for easy identification. (Pheasants Forever Inc.)
By purchasing an annual membership you are joining the growing number of hunter-conservationists who are making a difference for pheasants and other upland wildlife!