They Get It!
An important audience for Pheasants Forever’s Save the Edges campaign are the counties in southern Alberta. So beginning this summer we started to reach out to setup meetings with these target audiences.
Most recently we met with the MD of Acadia Valley and Wheatland County to garner perspective and to understand issues they might have regarding the Save the Edges campaign.
Jordan Hoffman represented Acadia Valley, while Russell Muencrath and Alyssa Barbero represented Wheatland. Both meetings were positive and constructive. It is obvious these professionals care about proper ditch and right of way management. Simply put – they get it.
They understand the natural values ditches provide and the access that right of ways provide.
An emerging trend was realized that was not considered prior to the meetings. Weed control is certainly a high priority to these folks. Round up drift into ditches and right of ways, kills the grass and forbs and results in a weed patch that needs to now be managed, which costs time and money.
Pheasants Forever will be adapting its messaging moving forward to include managing Round Up spray drift. We will continue to meet with counties and municipalities in the coming months and have a more finely tuned message ready for next seeding season.
For more information please visit the website and if your county would like a presentation this winter or next spring on Save the Edges, please email